There aren't many young men who at the age of 10 are more certain as to what they want to do with their life than Jacsen Kutik is. For the past 4 years, basically since the moment he stepped on a skateboard, he has known that one day he wants to make his living atop this simple yet satisfying device.
This dream drives him (more realistically its his Rad Dad driving him) to hit up any and every contest, race, or event that is within a 10 hour radius of his upstate NY residence. The most recent notch in his belt brought Jacsen down South to check out some of Joshtafari's local digs and childhood favorite spots. All the action is highlighted in the latest YouTube video to be published on his own channel which serves to chronicle all of Jacsen's adventures.
Check out the NC edit below before mobbing over to the main page and catching up on what our little homie has been destroying as of late via his skateboard.