Spring in Spain with Toti & Blin

Spring in Spain with Toti & Blin

It doesn't matter who you are or where you live, Spring time is always a welcomed relief to skaters who are just looking to get outside and mob around. With the increase of both daylight and temperature, this is truly the best time to be a skater who can finally come out of hibernation and enjoy the best the worlds weather has to offer.

Our Spanish Team Riders Toti and Blin have been no exception to this rule as they have been getting after it as much as possible in their hometown of Madrid. Check out their latest media mash up as they take us to along with them to visit some of their favorite spots in the city.

Both Blin and Toti are riding the new (E)Core™ Shrike Skateboard which is now available to ship worldwide from BustinBoards.com.


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